Keeping You in Good Shape
At the Integrated Vascular Vein Center of Michigan, we offer modern and state-of-the-art treatments for varicose veins and superficial spider veins. Our staff comprises vascular specialists who have received extensive training to perform the latest minimally invasive procedures. We have considerable experience treating unsightly and painful venous disorders.
Proven Modern Treatments
We are dedicated to providing you with excellent care in a comfortable environment. The advanced treatment we offer will enable you to get the healthy, beautiful legs you deserve without the pain, side effects, and downtime associated with traditional vein surgery. Read more about the proven, modern treatments we offer and how they can bring you lasting relief.

Varicose Vein Treatment
Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisted veins. They are frequently found on the inside of the legs and the back of the calves. These veins appear flesh-colored, blue, or purple.
Varicose veins appear as twisted and bulgy veins in the leg. Many symptoms are associated with varicose veins. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may have varicose veins:
- Rope-like bulging
- Twisted veins
- Burning in the legs
- Itching
- Achy heavy feeling in the legs
- Leg swelling
- Leg throbbing
- Skin ulcers
- Skin discoloration
- Pain in the legs
- Experience worst pain at the end of the day
- Restless legs
- Tired legs
Varicose veins are diagnosed by an examination of your legs and feet. Varicose veins are easy to spot. During an examination, doctors will check your legs for tender areas, leg swelling, bulging under the skin, skin ulcers, and skin discoloration. If you are diagnosed with varicose veins, further action may be taken to treat them.
If you have a mild case of varicose veins, you can take simple measures to ease your symptoms and reduce your varicose veins' chance of getting worse. Some treatments you may try include:
- Wearing compression stockings
- Not sitting or standing for a long time
- Elevating your legs
If you have a more severe case of varicose veins, you may have to seek professional treatment from a doctor. Treatment options that you may expect:
- Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)
- Sclerotherapy
- Microphlebectomy
These treatments do not cause instant results, and it may take several weeks to see improvement.
Spider Vein Treatment
Spider veins are red or blue veins located near the surface of the skin. They are frequently found on the legs and face. Spider veins resemble tree branches or spider webs.
Spider veins appear as a small cluster of veins that are red or blue. They are located near the surface of the skin. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may have spider veins:
- Veins appear red or blue
- Spider web look to the vein
- Starburst pattern in the vein
- Smaller than varicose veins
- Looks like a broken vessel under the skin
Spider veins are easy to spot and can usually be diagnosed by the patient. If spider veins cause aching or pain in your legs, an examination from a doctor may be necessary.
Spider veins are usually harmless, but there are some treatment options if you have concerns about your spider veins' appearance.
If you are not experiencing pain in your spider veins, you can take some simple measures to reduce symptoms to reduce spider veins' appearance. Some treatments you can try include:
- Wearing compression stockings
- Not sitting or standing for a long time
- Elevating your legs
If your spider veins are causing pain or reduce your spider veins' appearance, you may have to seek professional treatment from a doctor. The most common treatment is sclerotherapy.
These treatments do not cause instant results, and it may take several weeks to see improvement. In some cases, spider veins do not entirely disappear but do become less prominent in the leg.
Sclerotherapy Vein Treatment
Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure that eliminates varicose veins and spider veins. It involves the injection of a solution, known as a sclerosant, directly into the affected vein. The sclerosant irritates the vein's lining, causing it to shrink, turn into scar tissue, and eventually disappear. Sclerotherapy effectively improves the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins and alleviates symptoms like aching, swelling, cramping, and burning.
During sclerotherapy, a fine needle is inserted into the skin, and an FDA-approved solution, called Sotradecol, is injected into the vein. The solution that is typically used in sclerotherapy is sodium chloride. When the needle is injected, you may feel a slight pinch and a mild burning sensation. The number of veins injected in one session varies depending on the patient’s overall medical condition and the size and location of the veins being treated. The procedure takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes. If you have large varicose veins injected, you may feel a slight cramping sensation for a couple of minutes.
The procedure has a success rate of over 90 percent, and as much as 50 to 80 percent of the veins injected during each session will be eliminated. Spider veins typically respond to treatment within three to six weeks, while large varicose veins respond to treatment within three to four months. The veins that respond to sclerotherapy treatment will not reappear, although new veins may appear in the area over time.
Talk to Dr. Sweda or Dr. Shuster about all of the medications you are taking during your initial consultation. Some types of medicine, such as antibiotics, must be avoided in the days preceding treatment. Also, avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin and ibuprofen before the procedure, and don’t put any lotion on your legs.
After the procedure is complete, you will be instructed to wear compression stockings to compress the treated veins. You will be able to resume normal daily activities immediately. The doctor will likely encourage you to walk around. Avoid taking hot baths and showers, and do not apply hot compresses or any form of heat to the treatment sites.
After being injected, large varicose veins may become hard and lumpy for several months. Red, raised areas may appear at the injection sites, but they should go away within a few days. Brown lines and spots may also appear at the injection sites, but they typically disappear within three to six months. If bruising occurs at the injection sites, it will most likely disappear in several days or weeks.
Other side effects that can occur after sclerotherapy include the following:
- Inflammation
- Swelling
- Small ulcers
- Allergic reaction
- Red streaking
During your initial consultation at the Integrated Vascular Vein Center of Michigan, the doctor will determine if you are the right candidate for sclerotherapy. You are not eligible for the procedure if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or bedridden. For patients who have a history of blood clots, eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis

Microphlebectomy is a minimally invasive procedure used to remove varicose veins caused by saphenous vein reflux. During the microphlebectomy procedure, small incisions are made into the patient’s skin. A small hook is used to locate the vein and pull it up through the skin to be removed. Microphlebectomy produces little to no scarring, and the clinical results are excellent.
The microphlebectomy procedure takes about one hour to perform. First, while the patient is standing, the veins are marked so that the doctor can visualize them better. The leg is then washed with a solution to kill germs, and the treatment areas are numbed with a topical anesthetic.
Small incisions of about 1mm are made above the area where the vein is located. They are spaced approximately 5 to 10cm apart, depending on the severity of the veins being treated. A small hook is then inserted into the incision to pull up the vein. This process is repeated several times until all of the marked veins have been removed. The treatment areas are then cleansed and covered with a small adhesive strip and absorbent pad.
After the microphlebectomy procedure is complete, you may experience mild to moderate pain. You will be asked to wear compression stockings continuously for the next 24 hours. After that, you will only be required to wear the stockings for approximately one to two weeks when you are up and about to minimize bruising.
For 24 hours following the procedure, you should rest and keep your legs elevated as much as possible. Normal daily activities can be resumed after that. Daily walking is recommended, but you should avoid strenuous aerobic exercise for five to seven days. A few days after treatment, you will be required to return to the clinic for a follow-up appointment, during which the doctor will examine the incisions and possibly change the dressings.
The results of microphlebectomy are usually excellent. Initially, some of the treated veins may become dark, hard, and lumpy, but this will resolve in one to three months. Avoid direct sunlight exposure immediately after the procedure, and for the next three months or so, apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ to your legs to prevent darkening of the skin.
Mild complications that have been associated with microphlebectomy include bruising, swelling, superficial clot formation, mild allergic reaction, and permanent pigment staining of the skin.
Microphlebectomy is a quick, simple outpatient procedure. It produces excellent cosmetic results when performed alone or in conjunction with other vein treatments. There is minimal pain, blood loss, and recovery time after microphlebectomy. Since the incisions are so small, the procedure causes minimal scarring.
The treatment is quick and takes less than an hour, with no general anesthesia required to perform the procedure. A topical anesthetic is mandatory, and most patients can return to work the next day.